Sunday, March 1, 2009

Breast Cancer Brawl, new contender

Well I got the invite and so i figure get the posting part done and then move onto the pictures which I will try and take tomorrow night. I am also contributing for the Breast Cancer Brawl and am going with a pink Cygnar army. Someone in the family is getting the scare and we are waiting for more info(coming at the end of the month) as to how she is doing. So I figured I gotta do something and this seemed like a great idea.

Why Cygnar?? Well Legends releases did it. So I have built a few lists and thought out some ideas of what to do, and as soon as Thorn comes into the FLGS then I will have all of the models I intend to use for the upcoming brawl. Some of them are not assembled because I discovered microarts nifty epicast bases so I am waiting form ore to the hit the store before I assemble them, all they need to get in is one small base blister, one medium base, and two large base blisters, but I need to wait...I hate waiting.

Alright so the mini list, all the ones I plan to use

Casters, not sure which one to use so they will all see trial games
Stryker, assembled
EStryker, aka Darth Stryker, painted
Caine, primed
ECaine, painted
Squire, he's their attachment, painted

Ol Rowdy, partially assembled
Centurion, primered
Sentinel, painted
Lancer, primered
Thorn, waiting to buy him

GMCA, painted
Jr. Alt Sculpt, painted
Reinholdt, unassembled
Rupert Carvolo, unassembled
Laddermore, last minute entry, unassembled
if I get most of this done and have the time I will add Strangeways

Black 13th, painted
Gun Mages with UA, some assembled
Sword Knights with UA, all assembled, troops primered, 5 bases need primer, UA painted

I will cover the color scheme when I post some pictures. Thats it for now from the Cygnus of Awareness.

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