Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 8, SK completion!

Yes, they are done, except for bases and some glaring touch ups the camera discovered. Stupid 10 megapixels!

Anyway, to avoid duplication of photos and such, the update is here.

So, we're down to 42 models in 22 days. Or are we?

I'm seriously contemplating adding Trever's Kriel Warriors to the mix. For one, I'm jonesing to paint my Trolls after all of this discussion about the PG Invitational. Sure, it's in May, but I'm committed to bringing fully painted to PP headquarters. I'm a little torn about how much to post about the Trolls. It's no secret they're bright pink, but there's a part of me that wants to not post pics of em, just for shock value. Then again, you can't really behold the brightness unless you're in person. I think my boxed set looked really good, but most folks passed it off as just another gimmicky pink army. Whatever. I paint what I like, I like what I paint.

But Trever's Kriels are yellow, like his Champs. And then there's Wade's Troll army, which is going to be green (not as bad as it sounds, will have to paint something and post it to prove my point. :P) And let's not forget the ever-present Legion case o doom that requires painting. I'm glad Wade is patient.

Ah, what the hell. Here's my Troll list:
  • Madrak Ironhide, World Ender
  • Troll Impaler (Smiley, the painted one)
  • Dire Troll Mauler
  • Fell Caller
  • Fell Caller
  • Feralgeist
  • Stone Scribe Chronicler
  • Kriel Warriors [10]
  • Standard & Piper
  • Caber Thrower
  • Kriel Warriors [10]
  • Caber Thrower
  • Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes [6]
  • Stone Scribe Elder
  • Trollkin Champions
  • 43 models, 746 points, 25 VPs
Very attainable by May. I just need to find away to speed up the painting of bright pink. I've got some things I want to try that involve a magenta guide coat, but I will end up waiting until I get through the December Challenge models. Although eMadrak is calling to me... we'll decide when I'm more awake.

The addition of Trever's Kriel Warriors depends on if I get SG finished tomorrow (OK, later to)night. Hopefully, the weather will hold and I can at least get them primed to I have the option. The weatherliars are calling for snow.

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