Tuesday, January 13, 2009


OK, so I have been more of a slacker than Jen. I dropped out of the January Challenge, well, because I did. I didn't like the pressure I was putting on me to get things done, and the December holidays happened, and I wasn't in the groove of painting for the last part of the month.

I am just now getting back in the groove of things, and I have my first commission work: Mr. Kenny's Cygnar forces. I painted one Arcane Tempest Gun Mage and got the go ahead for the rest of the army. Here lies the challenge. They will be painted close to stock, the only difference being that they will be base Exile Blue instead of Cygnar Blue.

The first models on the desk are the rest of the ATGMs, and then probably Long Gunners and Trenchers. I may break things up by doing warjacks in between (or even during) units. I will try to post pictures as I get things done.

On a personal note, I have Brun and Lug inkedand ready to highlight, and I am slowly working on Gravus and a unit of Vengers (Protectorate Cavalry). Since I am still not working, I know I have plenty of time (at least until I go back to work, which should be spring, probably late).

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